Dedicated to the synesthetic experience and the fusion of arts and senses.
Dedicated to recognizing the universe through movement and light
All the spaces are connected digitally, conceptually, and narratively. Each place emphasizes an expression of the experience while simultaneously being part of a single narrative with different expressions.The audio and visual expression of each room are synchronized on a strict timeline, but each space maintains independence in style and atmosphere.

A challenge for the senses

A magnificent temple where virtual elements come to life and materialize, coexisting with us. The real presence of beings and atmospheres from another dimension.

Awakens to reality in Berlin

This part of the temple consists of 68 independent modules forming a single body i n a 250-square-meter space. Sixteen of them have the ability t o move with DMX protocol and DLB motors.Over 400,000 microchips synchronized in the LED neurons cover the space in one of the most immersive experiences ever seen in the city of Berlin.

A canvas for new type of creators

The Dragon awakens and becomes increasingly attuned to our reality. Berlin is the epicenter of a new configuration where art and technology blend more than ever in our current era. The gap between creativity and the result is closing ever closer to real-time, and machines are becoming more capable of interpreting and collaborating with humans. Coexistence is the sought-after destiny. The harmony and organization of elements and ideas is the common goal.

Light is movement / Movement is life

The material elements and light dance organically. The controlof movement and experience is taken to higher levels in thisroom. It is a space to explore visual experiences in constantspatial mutation.

The breaking of the invisible walls

In a world separated by invisible barriers, coherence emerges driven b y common intentions. Now, through the ever-intensifying union of art and technology, we can transform reality physically more than ever before. This collaboration with DLB China and digital artists from around the world demonstrates that barriers are merely invisible illusions that are now breaking down in Berlin.


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